Purrrr-fect Me

Cats Rule!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Humans Are Odd Creatures

My Chief of Staff did something very strange.

While I was on her lap for my regular groom and worship, she suddenly put both hands on my back and made scratching motions as she cackled 'Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.'

I leaped into the air and landed, with my usual grace, on the arm of the chair aghast at this failure to respect my dignity (and WHO is this Kitty-Kitty-Kitty creature???) Chief of Staff reached around and dug her fingers into my back again! All again called that Kitty thing.

This odd aberration in behavior from an otherwise normal human was not to be endured. I leapt down, twitched my lovely, plush fur into place and took a nap in the window.


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