Purrrr-fect Me

Cats Rule!

Monday, July 11, 2005


Today was a good day. I slept in the sun coming through the window. I chirped at the birds outside--dumb birds did not come closer so I could play with them. I napped again then I played with my bbbiiiggg sister, Zuzu.

Zuzu is odd. She does not purr and she has only a very small tail that flickers back and forth with a non-feline frenetic energy. The human staff has provided her with a large wire cage to sleep in but she prefers sleeping in the middle of a traffic pattern. She is a scaredy-cat. I am sure if you looked in the dictionary for scaredy-cat you would see her picture. I can not swear to this because I do not bother with books. You can not eat them and they are not comfortable to sleep on.

I go now. I see a wall that has offended me. It must be punished.


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